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Found 23279 results for any of the keywords steering committee. Time 0.008 seconds.
A steering commitee is a body within an enterprise that supports the steering of its actions. Its main concern is making strategic decisions concerning future realization of the enterprise’s investment projects. -- Wikipedia Steering Committee Effie Awards EuropeThe Steering Committee (SC) members are firm believers in the Effie and are champions of marketing effectiveness.
Governance | Open Services for Lifecycle CollaborationOSLC is governed under its Rules of Procedure by an elected Steering Committee.
Governance | OASIS BlueOASIS Blue is governed by a Steering Committee under the group's published Rules of Procedure.
What We Do | The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the PressThe Reporters Committee provides pro bono legal support to protect First Amendment freedoms and the newsgathering rights of journalists.
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press - HomeThe Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press provides free legal guides and resources to help reporters understand their rights.
Freedom of the Press Awards - Reporters CommitteeThe Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press recognizes journalism and media law leaders at its annual Freedom of the Press Awards celebration.
Litigation Archive | The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the PressReporters Committee attorneys pursue impact and needs-based litigation in state and federal courts, in addition to filing a number of important amicus curiae (friend-of-the-court) briefs in legal matters affecting the ne
Anti-SLAPP Legal Guide | The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the PrThe Reporters Committee anti-SLAPP legal guide provides a general introduction to each state’s anti-SLAPP law, to the extent one exists.
U of G s Arrell Food Institute Director Appointed to UN Panel of ExperDr. Evan Fraser, director of the Arrell Food Institute and professor of geography at the University of Guelph, has been appointed to the steering committee of
Governance | AMQPOASIS AMQP Member Section is governed by a Steering Committee under the group's published Rules of Procedure, effective 15 November 2012. The group's previous Rules of Procedure have been archived.
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